UK: Thousands March in Support of Palestine
Forwraded Press Release:
Annual al-Quds Demonstration in London sees greater support
Forwraded Press Release:
Annual al-Quds Demonstration in London sees greater support
Attacks on the follow-up world conference against racism ‘Durban II’ Al-Jazeera: On Riz Khan, live from New York City, the participants debate the Durban II world conference set up to fight racism and racial discrimination. Patricipants: Hillel Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, who
IHRC raises its concerns on the right to fair trial in terms of incommunicado detention, torture, women’s health right, and about the work of international agencies and co-operation of Saudi Arabia with the UN human rights.
IHRC is concerned over the intense media hype before this case.
Cageprisoners has received new information that Aafia Siddiqui was held for years in Bagram Airbase.
IHRC is concerned by the conviction and sentencing of three men found guilty of possessing or making documents connected with terrorism
The Islamic Human Rights Commission expresses alarm concerning the media’s handling of reports involving Uyghurs in China.
Radovan Karadzic, war criminal leader of the self proclaimed ‘Republika Srpska’ in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been arrested in Serbia after thirteen years on the run.
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