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Demand OIC Acts After Kashmir Visit

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s Secretary General; Hissein Brahim Taha, has visited Kashmir, and the OIC has since released a statement saying it is searching for a solution. Although this is a good development, there are fears that it will amount to nothing more than


Genocide Memorial Day to focus on the rise of fascism

The rise of fascism will be the theme of this year’s Genocide Memorial Day, scheduled to take place in January. The march of fascism, disguised as nationalism, continues apace through much of the world, bringing with it the spectre of new genocides. Just as in

Tribunal rejects antisemitism accusations against former vicar

A former Church of England vicar who is implacably opposed to Zionism has been acquitted of accusations of antisemitism after a four year-long witchhunt by pro-Israel lobbyists. An ecclesiastical tribunal today found that the lifelong campaigner for Palestinian rights had not made antisemitic comments as

Islamophobia Conference 2022: Is Islamophobia a symptom of western decline?

The conference can we watched online  If you want to send questions please watch and interact on The treatment of Muslims by several western countries has not only exposed the hypocrisy of societies that purportedly champion universal values but may even signal the

IHRC condemns sacking of Muslim NUS president

The National Union of Students’ (NUS) dismissal of its Arab/Muslim president exposes the routine denial of space in the political system to critics of Israel. Shaima Dallali was removed from the post to which she was elected in March this year after a witchhunt by

IHRC demands answers over police failures at anti-Iran protest

IHRC has written to the head of London’s Metropolitan Police and the city’s mayor demanding answers for the pitiful police response to an orgy of Islamophobic violence unleashed by anti-Iran protestors in London last month. Hundreds of opponents of the Iranian government descended on sites

New report highlights role of state in disseminating Islamophobia

IHRC will launch a new Spinwatch report tomorrow exposing the role of state entities in Europe in spreading Islamophobia. The report offers an analysis of the role and significance of the news media in disseminating anti-Muslim sentiment, detailing the political networks of which these organisations