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Letter to UN re denial of passports to Sheikh Zakzaky and Mallimah Zeenah

Madame Michelle Bachelet JeriaOffice of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)Palais Wilson52 Rue des PaquisCH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland 27 January 2022 Dear Madam High Commissioner Re: Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky and Mallimah Zakzaky I am writing to urge your intervention to help secure necessary travel

How states sanitise genocide and genocidal acts

In line with the aim of the annual event which aims to raise awareness of genocide so that new generations can understand the causes and recognise the warning signs of such atrocities, this year’s theme is the sanitisation of genocides and genocidal acts. Wherever and

Police urged to resist ministers’ calls to investigate anti-Israel protest

PRESS RELEASE – IHRC has written to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick over calls from government ministers for the police to investigate university students demonstrating against the presence of Israeli ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely, at a university event in London on Tuesday

EVENT NOTICE: Can Muslims and Minorities work with the Westernised Establishment?

Dates: 11 & 12 December Venue: Online and YouTube and Facebook For press enquiries and to organise interviews please email media[AT] or call / message +447958607475. The annual Islamophobia conference takes place across 11 and 12 December 2021.  Co-organised by Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC) and the Decolonial


Zakzakys fight for return of passports

PRESS RELEASE – Nigerian security forces will answer in the Federal High Court tomorrow why they are not returning the passports of the recently freed leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife Mallimah Zeenah. Since the pair were released

Abused Israeli refusenik pleads to stay in Britain

PRESS RELEASE – The extensive violence faced by Israeli conscientious objectors will come under the spotlight today in a British court when a Jewish asylum seeker resumes his legal battle in a case that could have far-reaching repercussions for those seeking to flee the Zionist

Bristol University could lose millions over sacking of professor

PRESS RELEASE – Civil society organisations, scholars and activists from Malaysia have written to Bristol University threatening to lobby the government to stop sending students there unless it reinstates a professor sacked for criticising Israel and Zionism. Prof Miller, who was professor of political sociology

Bristol University faces boycott over sacking of academic

PRESS RELEASE – Civil society organisations and activists in the UK and overseas are threatening to organise a mass boycott of Bristol University unless it reverses its dismissal of a professor for his outspokenly critical stance on Israel. In a letter sent to the university