UK EVENT: Counter-demonstration to Pro-Israel Rally, Trafalgar Square, London, UK, 6th May 2002
An official counter-demonstration has been organised in response to the many requests from campaigners concerned about the provocative pro-Israel rally.
An official counter-demonstration has been organised in response to the many requests from campaigners concerned about the provocative pro-Israel rally.
Hundreds of protestors from across the political and religious spectrum are expected to picket the annual “Celebrating Israel” celebrations in London, UK tomorrow.
IHRC is extremely concerned by Israel’s attempt to prevent the international media from reporting.
According to recent statements, US officials stated that acquitted defendants may still find themselves in detention.
Over a thousand people have been killed in anti-Muslim violence in the Indian state of Gujarat since 27 February 2002.
Academics, activists and former prisoners convene to discuss the dark side of civil society.
IHRC has written to the British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw MP, demanding that Britain disengage from the anti-human rights stance and processes taken by the USA.
Prison Service Imams suspended following controversial statements from Dr Zaki Badawi, chairman of the Imams and Mosques Council UK
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