BBC Launches Anti-Muslim Witch Hunt
World Tonight programme discriminates against Muslims
World Tonight programme discriminates against Muslims
New investigation is selective, biased and inconsistent
The British Government will announce today a list of proscribed organizations who allegedly fall under the scope of the Terrorism Act 2000.
In the wake of persistent pressure, the Home Office has contracted the University of Derby to undertake research on religious discrimination.
The notorious UK Terrorism Act 2000 will come into force this Monday, despite objections from numerous human rights organizations who have protested it.
Tanzanian police are cracking down brutally on opposition supporters in Zanzibar, after an estimated 2,800 people protested at the end of January against alleged fraud in the general elections.
Sharon pitted to win Israeli elections
The 27th January has been designated Holocaust Memorial Day in commemoration of the tragic genocide against Jews by the Nazis that occurred in the first half of the 20th Century.
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