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Buhari urged to release Zakzakys in face of Covid-19 crisis

PRESS RELEASE – IHRC has written to the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, urging him to free Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife Mallima Zeenah in the wake of the Coronavirus crisis that is engulfing the world. The pair continue to be held despite the

UN urged to pressure Bahrain to repatriate citizens stranded in Iran

PRESS RELEASE – IHRC has written to the United Nations seeking its intervention in assisting to repatriate apporximately 2000 Bahraini citizens who are being prevented from returning to their country from Iran. Reports suggest that approximately 1000 Bahrainis are stuck in Mashhad with another 1000

CORONAVIRUS: Iran sanctions impede fight to contain global spread

    PRESS RELEASE – The global fight against the Coronavirus risks being undermined if US sanctions against Iran aren’t lifted. In a letter to the UN Secretary General, IHRC has called on António Guterres to bring international pressure to bear on Washington to temporarily

Nigeria court acquits last indicted Islamic Movement members

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC welcomes the decision by a court in Nigeria today ordering the release of the last remaining Islamic Movement members detained following a government massacre of the group’s supporters in 2015. 87 members of the movement were acquitted and discharged by the Kaduna

IHRC urges end to sham trial of Sheikh Zakzaky

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC is calling on the Nigerian authorities to free the imprisoned leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky, and his spouse ahead of their appearance in court this Thursday 6 Feb in a politically motivated trial. The pair face charges

IHRC writes to Buhari seeking Zakzakys release

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC has written to the Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari urging him to release the imprisoned leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky and his wife Zeenah al-Zakzaky. The letter is the latest in a long line correspondence with Buhari and

IHRC urges release of Kosovo social media poster

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC has written to the Kosovan ambassador in London to expressing deep concern over the unlawful arrest, detention and mistreatment of Ikballe Berisha Huduti by the Kosovan authorities on 7 January 2020 after a comment she posted on social media about the extra-judicial