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IHRC welcomes ICJ ruling on Rohingya genocide

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC cautiously welcomes today’s ruling by the International Court of Justice ordering the government of Myanmar to prevent genocidal violence against its Rohingya Muslim minority and preserve any evidence of past crimes. We are pleased that the decision in the United Nations’ highest

Genocide Memorial Day successfully marked

PRESS RELEASE: The annual Genocide Memorial Day in London passed off peacefully without incident at the weekend with an international panel of speakers sharing damning views about how economic sanctions have and continue to contribute towards genocides against developing world peoples. An attentive audience heard

Report: UK failing in human rights obligations

PRESS RELEASE 16 January 2020 The marked deterioration in racial/religious equality in Britain for Muslims over the last four years is the subject of a IHRC report submitted to a United Nations committee looking at how far the nation is meeting its human rights obligations.

Launch of new book examining US exceptionalism

PRESS RELEASE IHRC will host author Saeed A. Khan next week to launch a new book looking at US exceptionalism through the prism of colonialism. In 2018, IHRC held the conference The New Colonialism: The American Model of Human Rights, to unmask the systemic problems

Genocide Memorial Day to focus on deadly impact of sanctions

PRESS RELEASE: Economic sanctions are to be the focus of the annual Genocide Memorial Day. Events held in London, Brussels and Amsterdam will examine the aims and effects of sanctions and interventions against different countries, with a particular focus on Iran and Venezuela. Genocide is

UN must hold US accountable for Soleimani execution

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC has written to the United Nations demanding that it holds Washington accountable for its extra-judicial execution of Major General Qasem Soleimani in a drone stike in Iraq on 3 January. Calling the action “a dangerous act of international piracy”, the letter stresses


IHRC’s latest submission to the Committee on Civil and Political Rights looks at the UK over the last few years. [Uploaded 14 January 2020] Download the report here. The last four years have seen a marked deterioration in racial/religious equality in Britain. A lurch to