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Sheikh Zakzaky court hearing adjourned until 29 July

PRESS RELEASE Responding to news that the hearing of Sheikh Zakzaky has been adjourned until 29 July* Chair of IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh said: “The news that this case has been adjourned beggars belief. The health situation of Sheikh Zakzaky is extreme and all days could

Son issues fresh plea for release of ailing Nigerian Muslim leader

PRESS RELEASE The son of the detained leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria has made a renewed plea to Nigerian authorities to expedite his release so that he can be given life-saving medical treatment. The appeal comes as authorities appear to be procrastinating over

Nigerian authorities taking steps to free detained Muslim leader

PRESS RELEASE IHRC has welcomed reports coming from the family of the detained leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Ibrahim el-Zakzaky, and his wife Zeenah that moves are finally underway to release the pair so that the sheikh in particular can access urgently needed

Pro-Zakzaky supporters to hold London sit-in for “dying” sheikh

PRESS RELEASE Supporters of the illegally detained leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Ibrahim el-Zakzaky are to start a three-day sit-in in London tonight as they ramp up the campaign for the beleaugered sheikh to receive urgently needed life-saving medical treatment. The protest is


Toxicity levels “off the scale” in body of Sheikh Zakzaky

Islamic Human Rights Commission Press release: Doctors examining the beleaguered leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria have renewed pleas for him to be released in order to access medical treatment after finding high levels of lead toxicity in his body. The lead levels in

Zionist extremists convicted after targeting pro-Palestine event

Islamic Human Rights Commission PRESS RELEASE – UK IHRC welcomes the conviction yesterday of two Zionist activists who manhandled and violently tried to shout down a pro-Palestine speaker during a demonstration in London last October. Jonathan Hoffman and Damon Lenszner were fined after pleaded guilty