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Morsi’s “murder” exposes international double standards

18 June 2019 PRESS RELEASE The death in court yesterday of the former Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi casts a dark pall over the West and its allies, exposing the callous hypocrisy in their total abandonment of the aspirations of the Egyptian people. That Morsi should


Key Islamophobia publication to be discussed in author evening

The co-editor of an encyclopaedic volume on Islamophobia will be at IHRC next week to discuss her book. Islamophobic hate crimes have increased significantly following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and 7/7. More recently, the rhetoric surrounding Trump’s election and presidency, Brexit, the rise of

Authorities urged to take action against Al-Quds Day protest threat

Islamic Human Rights Commission 30 May 2019 IHRC has written to the Home Secretary urging him to take action against a known Zionist extremist who has threatened to shoot protestors attending the Al-Quds Day demonstration in London this weekend. Laurent Kachauda made the threats last

Inna lilla wa inna ilayhi rajioun: S.M. Idris

We are devastated to learn that the inspirational and dedicated fighter for justice S.M. Idris of Consumers Association of Penang, Citizens International and Universal Justice Network, has passed away. Our condolences to his family and all who knew him. May Allah swt shower him with

IHRC drafts report for UN on Nigeria rights abuses

PRESS RELEASE – NIGERIA: IHRC drafts report for UN on Nigeria rights abuses IHRC has submitted a report to the United Nations higlighting systematic state abuse in the authorities’ treatment of the country’s Islamic Movement. The report has been written for the upcoming review by