PRESS RELEASE – SPAIN/NIGERIA: IHRC to present IMN case at major international Congress
The title of the presentation is “Sectarianism driven by political interests: The case of Nigeria and Islamic movement of Nigeria”
The title of the presentation is “Sectarianism driven by political interests: The case of Nigeria and Islamic movement of Nigeria”
IHRC was written to world leaders urging them to take immediate action against the government of Myanmar
The decision by the Crown Prosecution Service represents a major victory for pro-Palestinian campaigners in Britain.
The report presents a compelling case for bringing Myanmar officials before the International war Crimes Tribunal in the Hague
It was the second day in succession that armed police had opened fire with live ammunition on peaceful pro-Zakzaky protestors.
Police have opened fire on protestors in Kaduna injuring at least three people one of them critically according to reports from the scene
Approximately 8000 people turned out for the annual Al-Quds Day parade which highlights the ongoing suffering of the Palestinians.
IHRC has written to Commissioner Dick to ask what plans are in place to protect attendees from violent groups like Chelsea Headhunters
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