PRESS RELEASE – UK: Al-Quds Day rally a success despite best efforts of Zionists
Counter protestors hurled Islamophobic and racist abuse at the Al-Quds day demonstrators
Counter protestors hurled Islamophobic and racist abuse at the Al-Quds day demonstrators
Since the recent atrocities in London and Manchester authorities have done little to address the increased vulnerability of the Muslim community despite repeated calls by the IHRC
Their aim is to brush under the carpet Israel’s ongoing atrocities, demonising those who stand for Palestine using cheap smear tactics
Report provides new data on Islamophobia in Edinburgh schools
The annual al-Quds day demonstration in support of Palestinians is due to take place this Sunday 18 June in London
This is a disturbing turn of events which has serious repercussions for the University’s reputation as an institution that cherishes academic freedom
In a tweet posted earlier today the right-wing journalist said: “22 dead – number rising. Schofield, don’t you even dare. Do not be part of the problem. We need a final solution.”
Security forces fired live rounds and tear gas as they stormed the area causing at least one fatality with several reported wounded
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