Press release – UK: IHRC invites public to report PREVENT programme experiences
In the light of recent changes to the law IHRC is asking people to report cases that they think have involved abuses of the government’s PREVENT programme.
In the light of recent changes to the law IHRC is asking people to report cases that they think have involved abuses of the government’s PREVENT programme.
The documentary explores the circumstances surrounding the massacre of dozens of civilians during an Al-Quds demonstration last July
IHRC Legal was able to secure a substantial five figure settlement
Muslim organisations fail in a legal challenge against a controversial anti-terrorism power
It is relatively easy to incite hatred and fear of “the other”
De Menezes was killed in an execution-style shooting at a London Tube station by police
IHRC is deeply concerned by the growing focus on non-violent extremism as an incubator of violent extremism
The fund is the first of its kind to be set up by a Muslim charity in the UK
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