Press release – UK/Palestine: Millions mark anniversary of Gaza war crimes
The massive turnouts showed that continuing occupation of Palestine remains an ethical and political priority
The massive turnouts showed that continuing occupation of Palestine remains an ethical and political priority
‘Forgotten Genocide’ to be released on 13 July 2015
The continuing plight of the Palestinians will be remembered in London this Friday with thousands expected to gather to mark the annual Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day.
Bombing Daesh in Iraq has done little or nothing to reduce the threat of terrorism elsewhere
David Cameron is urged to cancel the invitation and work with the United Nations in order to help free the Egyptian people
The coalition forces have done very little to distinguish between military and civilian targets, with the Yemeni civilian population the main victims of this conflict
IHRC finds David Cameron’s latest comments irresponsible and misplaced
It is wrong to hold Muslims collectively responsible for the actions of a morally depraved minority
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