Citizens International Press Release: Free President Mohamed Morsi and 42000 political prisoners in Egypt
Forwarded press release from Citizens International condemning President Mohamed Morsi’s death sentence
Forwarded press release from Citizens International condemning President Mohamed Morsi’s death sentence
Since July 2014 there have been at least four incidents in which Nigerian armed forces or people linked with them have attacked the Islamic Movement
In the letter addressed to Labour, Lib-Dems, Green and SNP MPs, IHRC expresses its “deep alarm” over the proposals
The legislation seeks powers to close down groups and premises (including mosques) found to be propagating or promoting so-called extremist values
IHRC has written to the UN requesting that it urgently intervene to prevent what is believed to be the imminent execution of a leading scholar and opposition figure.
The Conservative Party has succeeded in dividing the nation like never before
The demonstration will be taking place at 6pm in front of Permanent Mission of the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Le rapport souligne comment l’Islamophobies’est normalisé et s’est enracinée dans le discours politique et médiatique de la France.
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