Join us in the run-up to Eid as we read 3 fun books about this special occasion. Also kids get to pick one more book of their choice for the last story!
WHEN: Saturday, 5 September 3 – 5pm
WHERE: IHRC Bookshop & Gallery, 202 Preston Road, Wembley, HA9 8PA (Nearest tube: Preston Road / Metropolitan Line)
We are hosting a children’s story telling afternoon with Nazeeya Hussain – bring along your children for a fun packed session of reading. Your children will have the chance to listen to the stories but also meet other children and have an enjoyable afternoon. We’ll be reading titles such as ‘An Eid for Everyone’, ‘Husna and the Eid Party’ and ‘The Miracle of Zam Zam.’ If their summer is coming to an end or school has already begun, this is sure to be a great afternoon of learning and enjoyment!ÂÂÂÂ
Refreshments will be provided. All children should be accompanied by an adult. Please RSVP to or leave your name instore.