In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Welcome to the The Long View, a quarterly magazine from IHRC. 

As the name suggests, the essays commissioned for this journal aim to look in-depth and look forward. The Long View attempts to provide a space for thinkers to analyse in the long term and (kick)start or continue conversations on the same.  Read it free online (ISSN 2632-3168) here or in hard copy (ISSN 2632-315X)

We hope you take time to engage with the ideas and give us feedback via any of the platforms below.

Editors – Faisal Bodi & Arzu Merali

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Volume 6 - 2024

Issue 4


Issue 3


Issue 2

June 2024 /
Dhul Hijjah 1445

Issue 1

February 2024 /
Shabaan 1445

Volume 5 - 2023

Issue 4

November 2023 /
Rabi Al Thani 1445

Issue 3

June 2023 /
Dhul Hijjah1444

Issue 2

March 2023 /
Shaban 1444

Issue 1

January 2023 /
Jumada Al Akhira 1444

Volume 4 - 2022

Issue 4

October 2022 /
Rabi ul-Awwal 1444

Issue 3

July 2022 /
Dhul Hijjah 1443

Issue 2

March 2022 /
Shaban 1443

Issue 1

January 2022 /
Jumada al-Thani 1443

Volume 3 - 2021

Issue 4

October 2021 /
Rabi ul-Awwal 1443

Issue 3

July 2021 /
Dhul Hajjah 1442

Issue 2

March 2021 /
Shaban 1442

Issue 1

Jan 2021 /
Jumad al-Akhirah 1442

Volume 2 - 2020

Issue 4

October 2020 /
Safar 1442

Issue 3

June 2020 / Dhul
Qa’dah 1441

Issue 2

May 2020 /
Ramadan 1441

Issue 1

February 2020 /
Jumadi II 1441

Volume 1 - 2019

Issue 4

November 2019 /
Rabiul Awwal 1441

Issue 3

September 2019 /
Muharram 1441

Issue 2

June 2019 /
Shawaal 1440

Issue 1

March 2019 /
Rajab 1440