The Long View

Palestine Beyond the War on Terror: Mistakes, Challenges and Prospects

Palestinian leadership’s adaptation to a world where the claims to US hegemony are decentralised is an urgent and overdue project, argues Ramzy Baroud. Linking Palestinians to terrorism is arguably one of Israel’s greatest hasbara successes. Long before the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York

Colonialism, War and Governance in Afghanistan

For Afghanistan to break the cycles of violence and impoverishment it has been caught up in,  the new and subsequent governments need to let go of its colonial past and the internalization of colonial thinking, argues Shah Mahmoud Hanifi. It is useful to begin this

France: Understanding the Roots of the Anti-separatism Bill

Understanding France’s decades long attacks via law and policy against ‘problem’ communities, notably ‘Blacks’, ‘Arabs’, ‘Muslims’ and the ‘Banlieues’ is a prerequisite for anyone trying to make sense of the current anti-separatism bill. Yasser Louati argues that the only way to challenge French state racism

The Redundance of ‘Race’ as a Protected Characteristic

The prevalence of equalities legislation in various Westernised settings, particularly the US and UK has been used to give credence to the idea that these settings are post-racial, and conversations about structural racism now redundant.  Afroze F. Zaidi argues that this is not only far

Back in sight: Deflating Genocide to Dissolve Bosnia and Herzegovina

As international attention is now slowly turning to the Balkans once more, Demir Mahmutćehajić argues that the ongoing actions of Milorad Dodik and his supporters has brought the country to the brink of dissolution.  A recent view from the British daily The Guardian on Bosnia