The Long View

To Engage or Not to Engage with the Establishment: That is The Question

The political and social aspirations of Muslims in Westernised settings, whether as minorities or majorities, raises the thorny question of engagement with non-Islamic governments.  Settling the question of whether or not this is possible, and what the alternatives are, is the key question Muslims must

Leading by Example: Some Notes on Contemporary Ulema

With the phenomenon of celebrity scholars proliferating in the social media age, Salina Khan argues that justice oriented leadership of Muslim communities needs to be properly appreciated and respected. About a dozen years ago when I first started listening to Islamic lectures online, I would

The Islamic Sleeping Giant and the Arena of Resistance

João Silva Jordão argues that the problems that Muslims face, real or perceived, are in fact a point of radical departure that bodes well for the future of Islam as a model for future social change and justice. The Islamic Sleeping Giant Muslims are being

Liberating Lebanon and Decolonising the Discourse that Occupies It

Whilst mainstream media has (often reluctantly) been forced to report major Israeli wars and attacks on Palestinians, the daily incursions into Lebanon are rarely acknowledged.  This normalisation of colonial violence against the people of Lebanon is intertwined with the oppression of Palestinians, and the physical

Terrorism Got COVID: Or, The Constant-Threat News-Culture We Live In

The Coronavirus pandemic has had the effect of exposing the news culture that permeates first world life in a variety of ways, argues Ian Almond.  Looking back at the development of the idea of ‘threat’, and the media’s role in supporting political narratives, he suggests

Why We Need to Get Beyond Regimes of Anti-terrorism, and Fast

From the unabashed appointment of an Islamophobe to review the UK’s counter-terrorism laws, to the social engineering intentions and impacts, the British government continues to marginalise  Muslims.  Massoud Shadjareh argues that getting beyond the agenda set by the Prevent policy by looking at the bigger