Islamic Human Rights Commission
19th December 2002
UK ALERT UPDATE: Watford FC back down over Israeli FA request
Campaigners succeed in kicking international racism out of football in Watford
Watford Football Club has announced that it has refused the Israeli FA\’s request to allow the Israeli team to play its European Championship matches at Vicarage Road. This follows the concerted campaign by individuals and organisations to protest Watford FC\’s initial acceptance of the request.
IHRC congratulates all campaigners who wrote to, emailed and called Watford FC, Watford Council and carried out an efficient and principled campaign. It is clear that taking a stance against racism can work.
IHRC suggests campaigners call or email Watford FC to express their appreciation at the decision. Their numbers / email are below:
Main club line 01923 496000
For further information please call the office on (+44) 20 8902 0888 or email: info@ihrc.org.
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