Gaza again
Same timing, same war. Does anyone remember?
A Muslim pupil can now pray at school thanks to IHRC intervention.
Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) president S.M. Mohamed Idris will turn 86 in December but is showing no signs of slowing down.
Lauren describes the proceedings at the War Crime Tribunal for the crimes committed by Bush and his associates.
The plight of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli occupation jails is passing through a critical moment that requires immediate European and International intervention as thousands incarcerated begin hunger strikes.
Human Right supporters hold a vigil outside the Israeli Embassy, London on 10th March 2012, as Israel continues to massacre Gazans.
Azzah al-Zahrani, mother of political prisoners Faris and Muhammad al-Zahrani, and family assaulted at al-Hayer prison in Riyadh
On the walls, grafitti of “88” (for Heil Hitler) and “Islam out of Europe”
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