Saudi Arabia Launches First Opposition Party
First Saudi political party announces its formation under the name of “Islamic Umma Party”.
First Saudi political party announces its formation under the name of “Islamic Umma Party”.
The now week long uprising against President Hosni Mubarak has been anything but inspiring.
Stephen Lendman discusses the story behind what he sees as the war against Islam in Britain today.
Randall Amster J.D., Ph.D., explains the dramatic new law that will affect inclusion and cohesion in Arizona.
Rabbi Ahron Cohen’s video message on Al-Quds Day broadcast at the London, UK and Berlin, Germany rallies.
گيلاد آتزمون: من فكر مي كنم لارن بوت خواهر زن توني بلر به راحتي مي تواند از پشت تلفن به توني بلر بگويد كه در مورد او، سياست ها و خاطراتش چه فكر مي كند. البته او كه يك فعال صلح است تصميم گرفته كه اين حرف ها را با ما هم در ميان بگذارد.
The US state’s new immigration law is threatening to divide America with panicking Hispanic families fleeing.
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