UN in $543m Pakistan aid appeal
The UN has appealed for a total of $543m in humanitarian aid to help more than 1.6 million people displaced by fighting in north-west Pakistan.
The UN has appealed for a total of $543m in humanitarian aid to help more than 1.6 million people displaced by fighting in north-west Pakistan.
MAOZ ESTHER, West Bank (AP) — Israeli security forces demolished a minor Jewish settlement outpost in the West Bank on Thursday, three days after President Barack Obama told visiting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he must halt settlement activity.
‘Work for us or we will say you are a terrorist’
The Dutch Supreme Court has rejected a request by far-right lawmaker Geert Wilders to cancel his pending trial for the spread of Islamophobia.
GAZA, May 21 (Xinhua) — The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Thursday criticized the new Palestinian government as an obstacle on the way of the inter-Palestinian dialogue.
Sri Lankan government blocks access to camps in which thousands could face two years behind razor wire.
Prisons inspector brands Parkhurst a failing jail, lacking basic levels of safety and decency
The pace of home demolitions in Arab East Jerusalem appears to be increasing under the city’s new mayor, an Israeli rights group has warned.
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