Gelieve details te vinden van een nieuw project waaromtrent de Commissie voor Islamitische Vrijheden van de Mens (IHRC) zal werken en details omtrent hoe geïntereseerde campagnevoerders deel kunnen nemen.
Gelieve details te vinden van een nieuw project waaromtrent de Commissie voor Islamitische Vrijheden van de Mens (IHRC) zal werken en details omtrent hoe geïntereseerde campagnevoerders deel kunnen nemen.
The following leaflet was handed out at the IHRC / IIWO vigil outside the French Embassy on 11th January 2004.
Si prega di trovare qui sotto i dettagli del progetto della Commissione dei Diritti Umani Islamici (IHRC) su come gli interessati possono partecipare.
The Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 Review Committee has called on the British government to scrap laws that allow the detention of non-British nationals indeifinitely. Join the campaign.
IHRC (Islamic Human Rights Commission) har I år startet et nyt project til indsamling af oplysninger om hijab bærende muslimahs I europa og de problemer det eventuelt indebærer.
Please take 10 minutes to fill in a questionnaire to help assess the level of discrimination against Muslim women. This questionnaire can now be downloaded as a WordDoc and emailed back to IHRC.
Veuillez trouver ci-dessous des informations sur un nouveau projet entrepris par la Commission Islamique des Droits Humains (IHRC, et sur la façon dont ceux qui sont intéressés d’y prendre part peuvent le faire.
Please assist in thi sresearch project bytaking ten minutes to answer 11 short questions (anonymously if you so wish).
+44 208 904 4222
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