
Islamic Human Rights Commission
PO Box 598, Wembley, HA0 4XX, UK

7, May 1999


1. Specimen letters for British Foreign Secretary regarding peace deal for Kosova.

This is attached. The reasons for writing are many. Mainly it is important to get commitments from governments that they will help the Kosovans return to their homes, and will help protect them. Secondly, if they are going to send an international force to protect the Kosovans, they must not include troops from countries which support the Serbs. There must be solid commitments to pursue all war criminals in this matter.

It’s not just Kosova. The whole area is full of Muslim and other communities targeted by the Serbs. Muslims from Sanjak are already fleeing. Muslims in Montenegro have already been killed by Serb paramilitaries. We must do what we can to pressurise those in power to act now.

For non-British campaigners, please send an equivalent letter to your Foreign Secretary if you are from a NATO country. If not, please send it to President Bill Clinton at:

President Bill Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20500
Phone: (202) 456-1414
Fax: (202) 456-2461
Email: president@whitehouse.gov

2. Specimen letter to Jack Straw MP, Home Secretary, regarding unaccompanied Kosovan refugee children.

A specimen letter is attached. One of the main concerns which needs to be addressed by the British government and indeed the governments of those countries taking refugees, and the international community at large is the disappearance, sale, kidnap etc. of children from Kosova.

The attached specimen letter gives details of previous cases relating to Bosnia, which are still unresolved. We must ensure that this is not allowed to happen again.

3. Financial and other Aid:

The Albanian Islamic Society & Centre are accepting donations for the refugees. Cheques or orders should be made out to the Albanian Islamic Society & Centre (Charity Reg: 1057193) and sent to:

233 Seven Sisters Rd.
N4 2DH
Tel / Fax (+44) 171 2637318

or pay directly to:
Albanian Islamic Society & Centre
Habibsons Bank Ltd.
55 – 56 St. James Street
a/c # 100498-01
sort code 40-50-83

Please do not send cash by post.

Please contact them on the above numbers for more details.


URGENT ALERT: Specimen letter to Robin Cook MP

Your name
Your address

Robin Cook MP
Secretary for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs
King Charles Street

By fax: 0171 20 3539
e-mail: labour-party@geo2.poptel.org.uk Date

Dear Mr. Cook,


The recent announcement about Kosova’s future has caused me some concern.

The deployment of international civil and protection forces, indicates the presence of international troops and observers. This could lead to the presence of armed forces and other personnel from countries which have supported Serbia both in the present conflict and in the war against Bosnia. As the pan-Orthodox and pan-Slav sentiment has only increased in the last few years, it bodes ill for the people of Kosova if one hostile army and administration is replaced with others.

I urge you to resist any such deployment and to seek the establishment of a force that will genuinely be able to ensure the return of all refugees to their homes; that will seek to protect them whilst an independent Kosova is established and secured, however long that will take.

Only the night before the latest proposals were agreed, the Prime Minister Tony Blair, addressed British Muslims and promised that his and NATO’s resolve was unflinching, and that no deal would be made that did not ensure the above and much more. I cannot believe that in a matter of a single day announcements could be made that undermine the commitment of Mr. Blair, and appear to have left the Kosovans to the alternatives of a return to Milosevic’s reign of terror or permanent exile from their homeland.

I look forward to receiving your office’s clarification in this matter.

Yours sincerely,
Your signature
Your name

URGENT ALERT: 7.5.99 specimen letter

Rt. Hon. Jack Sraw MP
Home Secretary
Home Office
50 Queen Anne’s Gate

Fax: 0171 273 2190

e-mail: labour-party@geo2.poptel.org.uk Date

Dear Mr. Straw,

Unaccompanied children from Kosova

I write further to the arrival of refugees from Kosova.

I am deeply concerned that the mistakes of the Bosnian war are not remade as regards unaccompanied children. As I am sure your office is aware, many unaccompanied children were brought to this country. According to Save the Children, a known 154 children remain here, but they are sure that there are many, many more, of whom no proper or official record exists.

We already know of tragic cases like that of Edita Keranovic, the Bosnian child who was brought to this country and adopted by deception, despite the existence of relatives, and who has been baptised. The process of ethnic cleansing begun in Bosnia was concluded in her and many other cases by the obliteration of the very identity her family were killed for. Her case is sadly not an isolated one, and the repercussions for the identity and emotional and psychological well-being of these children is an issue in itself.

I am also concerned that the many others who are smuggled abroad, including those in this country over whose whereabouts a question mark hangs. They may have fallen into the hands of paedophiles, pimps and the like. My concern is shared, as you know by many international agencies and bodies.

I would like to know what measures your office has introduced to ensure that this does not happen to the Kosovan children arriving here. I hope that you will make a public statement regarding this matter. I look forward to your speedy reply.

Yours sincerely,
Your signature
Your name

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