Urgent Alert: Protest Against Colin Powell Attending London Fundraiser for Jewish National Fund

Urgent Alert: Protest Against Colin Powell Attending London Fundraiser for Jewish National Fund

The Jewish National Fund is a quasi-official organisation of the Israeli state. It was established with the sole pupose of raising funds for the acquisition and development of land in Palestine for illegal Jewish settlements. The JNF owns around 14% of the land in Israel, and is prohibited by its own constitution from selling or leasing this land to Arabs. In fact it has publicly stated that no Arab may live on or buy back land once it has been purchased by the JNF.

It is apt that the JNF has chosen as its guest speaker, Colin Powell, a notorious liar whose career in war crimes includes wars from Vietnam to Iraq. He was the face of the neo con American Foreign Policy which has blindly supported the Israeli government of Arial Sharon and its systematic annihilation of the Palestinian people.

A peaceful protest has been organised outside the hotel. We urge all friends of Palestine to attend and demonstrate.

Date: 15 January 2006

Time: 5.30 P.M Sharp

Assemble: Outside London Park Lane Hotel, 22 Park Lane, London W1K 1BE, (Nearest & nbsp;

Tube: Hyde Park Corner)

Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al Aqsa, Islamic Human Rights Commission

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