New UK Prime Minister: Same Problem
Whether it is Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak. A new Prime Minister only brings the same old problem. Here’s why:
Whether it is Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak. A new Prime Minister only brings the same old problem. Here’s why:
There is only one country left in the World that is an apartheid state. What should we do about it?
It is Muharram, the start of the Islamic year and on the tenth of Muharram, it will be Ashura. It is a good time to evaluate about ourselves and our future. The Political, social, economic and moral aspects of Islam are under attack every day,
There are people who are saying that the proportion of ethnic minority candidates for the new Conservative Party leadership – and Britain’s next Prime Minister – is an indication that racism is something of the past in Britain. But what is the reality?
As Muslims, we believe that Allah has firmly commanded us to establish justice. The services that we provide through the trust have been the safety net the community has relied on since 2003. Over the years we have been working in the background supporting the
Once again IHRC is collecting donations from those Muslims intending to perform their Udhiyya or Qurbani in places where the less fortunate can avail themselves of its sustenance and blessings. In years gone by, in line with our commitment to helping the oppressed, we have
IHRC condemns the controversial film ‘Lady of Heaven’, currently playing in cinemas up and down the country. We urge Muslims in Britain to unite in opposition of the film. With its derogatory portrayal of eminent Muslim personages in early Islamic history including the Prophet Muhammad’s
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