Video and Audio

Sabra and Shatila Massacre: 38 years On

It’s been 38 years since the Sabra and Shatila Massacre, this week Massoud talks about the atrocity and what it tells us about the plight of Palestinians today.

Following up our discussion on Uighur Muslims

Thank you for all your feedback on our last video on what is happening to the Uighur’s in China. This week Massoud is following up on some of that feedback. Don’t forget to check out our new event report “What is Happening to the Uighur


Reflections on Our Future

As another Islamic Year starts, Massoud reflects on our future, and the importance of unity to face our challenges.

BBC: Islamophobic Coronavirus Coverage

This week, Massoud discusses the BBC’s Islamophobic Coronavirus coverage and what you can do about it right now. Visit here for information on how to complain.


Forgotten Genocide

‘Forgotten Genocide’ will document the war in Bosnia and be released on 13 July 2015