Video and Audio

This Eid Don't Forget the Uighurs

Eid Mubarak to you all from the IHRC Family. In this week’s video Massoud remembers the Uighurs and asks why Islamophobes have suddenly taken up their cause? If you want to campaign for the Uighurs please visit.

Florida: Police forcibly remove Muslim girl’s hijab

Guests include Saeed A. Khan, co-author with Saied R. Ameli of ‘What’s Going on Here? Muslim Experiences of Islamophobia between Obama and Trump’ and Hakimeh Saghaye-Biria author of ‘Political Islamophobia at US Think Tanks: Battling the Power of Islamic Resistance’ both published by IHRC

Muslim history in the USA and the current uprisings

Listen to Saeed A. Khan discuss the new IHRC publication from him and Saied R. Ameli, What’s Going on Here? Muslim experiences of Islamophobia in the USA between Obama and Trump on Radio Islam in South Africa on Monday 22 June 2020. The book is

On Systemic Racism in the USA

IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh discusses the recent protests in the USA and around the world and sets the context. This is not about a few bad apples in the police. This is about the systemic racism of the USA. Watch (approx 3 mins).

EID MUBARAK from IHRC – A Message from the Chair

IHRC wishes everyone a blessed Eid. In his message for Eid ul Fitr this year, Massoud Shadjareh reflects on the unique situation we have found ourselves in this year. He reminds us that for many, the loss of our liberties is but a snapshot of