Video and Audio

On Systemic Racism in the USA

IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh discusses the recent protests in the USA and around the world and sets the context. This is not about a few bad apples in the police. This is about the systemic racism of the USA. Watch (approx 3 mins).

EID MUBARAK from IHRC – A Message from the Chair

IHRC wishes everyone a blessed Eid. In his message for Eid ul Fitr this year, Massoud Shadjareh reflects on the unique situation we have found ourselves in this year. He reminds us that for many, the loss of our liberties is but a snapshot of

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Palestine ruling a win for company accountability

“It means that pension fund contributors can be accountable for how the funds are invested.” Dr Les Levidow explains how the UK Supreme Court ruling allowing local authorities etc to divest from funds and companies that support the occupation, is a win not just for

Citizen India – Video & Audio

To keep uptodate with IHRC’s Citizen India campaign visit this campaign page here. Find a selection of video and audio below giving background to the current situation in India. Islamophobia in India Amirt Wilson discusses nativism and Islamophobia in India at the IHRC conference fo 2017,