Video and Audio

Video and Audio Resources on Kashmir

Find background and current videos and audios on Kashmir here. This page is under construction. [page updated 26 August 2019] To join the Campaign for Kashmir please visit the IHRC Campaign page here. Background Raw Footage August 2019 onwards   Background Raw Footage A cycle

The abortive medical trip of El-Zakzaky

Listen to Massoud Shadjareh (from 3 minutes to end) discuss the reasons for the aborted medical trip of Sheik El-Zakzaky on Focus on Africa with William Niba on Radio France International.

Scope with Waqar Rizvi – Burqa Ban In Europe

Arzu Merali joins ‘Scope’ to discuss the Burqa ban in The Netherlands, and the devastating impact. Watch Waqar Rizvi conferring with a panel of experts on recent International events in the SCOPE. Topics: 1. Brexit: Irish Border Concerns 2. Burqa Ban In Europe 3. UNRWA:

Video and Audio Resources on Sheikh El-Zakzaky

Find background and current videos and audios on the Sheikh here. This page is under construction. To join the campaign to Free Zakzaky or just to find out more please the Free Zakzaky campaign page here. The current case The Zaria Massacre 2015 The Zaria

Audio: Shaikh Zakzaky – Victim Of The Sectarian Military Complex

Imam Muhammad al-Asi’s Friday Khutbah overviews the sectarian position around Sheikh Zakzaky from Shi’is and Sunnis. Part one runs until approx 24 mins and covers issues around Sheikh Zakzaky and sectarianism; part two covers the latest moonsighting controversy concerning the Saudis, and related issues in

Insight to riot (A glimpse into UK unrest in the summer of 2011)

8 years ago today black, immigrant and working class youth rose up across England in what was called the ‘riots’ of August 2011. I made this doc about it featuring some leading advocates of our communities and other voices. Watch Sukant Chandan’s documentary below. Watch