‘Palestine highlights Saudi hypocrisy’
Interview with Raza Kazim, spokesman for the Islamic Human Rights Commission from London.
Interview with Raza Kazim, spokesman for the Islamic Human Rights Commission from London.
Listen to Avaes Mohammed read Talha’s poem written for this occasion and find out more about the campaign from Talha’s Brother and Father.
Gareth Peirce answers questions on the Talha Ahsan and Babar Ahmed cases. With contributions about Shaker Aamer also.
The author joined IHRC at the IHRC Bookshop and Gallery in May 2011.
Part 1 of 4. Activist and author Arun Kundnani joined us at the IHRC bookshop and gallery in May 2011 to talk about his book The End of Tolerance.
How should we spread the message to improve support of this day?
Lauren Booth, addressing the crowd at the Trafalgar square.
Thousands of people have marched through central London to denounce Israel for brutalising the Palestinian people.
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