Weekly Video

Anti-Zionist Jews support Palestine

As a Jewish Rabbi I find it very important to attend the Al-Quds rally every year. Here’s why,  Watch Rabbi Elhanan Beck’s important message for Palestine. 

What would the Holy Prophet do?

“What would the Holy Prophet do if he was here today? What issue would occupy the Prophet’s mind?” This powerful speech by Ayatullah Motahari on Palestine is a must watch. Click here to watch now. Join the Al Quds Day and march for Palestine. Sunday

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Is Here: Remember Those in Need Ramadan is upon us once more. This is the month of getting closer to Allah (swt) and also helping others more.  IHRC is campaigning and providing financial help for those who are oppressed around the world. IHRC Trust

Who Are The International Community: Conflict & Culture

In the last of our three-part series on who are the international community, we look at how Western hegemony is also maintained through the use of conflicts and the control of culture across the globe. Watch Part 1 Here What Part 2 Here

Who Are The International Community: Israel’s impunity

When Israel murders Palestinians, the so-called “international community” fails to raise a whimper. Western countries never stop preaching about human rights and freedom. So why is it that some countries get a free pass whilst others are hammered? It’s not a coincidence. Here’s why.

Boycott Israeli Dates This Ramadan

Here’s your full guide to boycotting Israeli dates this Ramadan Remember: *Identify Israeli Brands *Check the label at Supermarkets  *No label is a red flag *Ask the Right Questions *Buy certified Zaytoun, Holy Land & Yaffa dates All the details in the video *spread the

Who Are the International Community?

Let’s talk about the term “international community” – who are they, and who has appointed them?   Are they the voice of the global community or just neo-colonialism at play?

Saudi Oppression at Home & Abroad

Saudi Arabia has sentenced preacher Awad al-Qarni to death for tweeting “his opinion” on the Kingdom. It is the latest of a long list of oppressions against the Saudis by the Saudi establishment led by Mohammed Bin Salman.  Yet despite these atrocities, the West continues