What’s new at www.ihrc.org.uk?

What’s new at www.ihrc.org.uk?
what's new


  1. Intro
  2. Alerts
  3. Events
  4. Reports
  5. Blog/Comment
  6. Shop

1.       Intro

After the busy week we had last week following the violent events in Woolwich, UK, IHRC has been busy responding to reports of Islamophobic incidents that have been taking place across the country.

We are also in the process of finalising content for our annual newsletter that will be published in time for Ramadan. If you would like to read our current newsletter, please visit the link provided below.

If you would like to donate to IHRC please contact the office on +44 20 8904 4222 or info@ihrc.org or download a copy of our latest newsletter and fill in one of the donation forms and return to us:


Or donate online by visiting –


Don’t forget you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter @ihrc or on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/ihrctv

2.    Alerts

Action Alert – UK/Palestine: Join the vigil in solidarity with the Palestinians

In response to the pro-Israel demonstration being held on Sunday 02 June 2013 at Trafalgar Square, the Islamic Human Rights Commission is asking supporters to join a vigil to show solidarity with Palestine and outrage over Israeli war crimes.

Attend the vigil opposite Trafalgar Square
Date: Sunday 02 June 2013
Time: 1:30pm – 4:30 pm
Assembly point: Duncannon Street, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DP
Nearest stations: London Charing Cross (0.1 miles), Westminster (0.5miles)

Organised by IHRC and Innovative Minds

Find out more here

Alert: Advertise in the IHRC Newsletter

IHRC is currently preparing its annual newsletter, which has been in print for over ten years and has a total print run of over 60,000 copies, distributed free of charge all year round. The distribution will take place at the beginning of Ramadan through our extensive network of partners, charities, NGOs, projects/campaigns and mosques.

We are currently accepting adverts for this year’s newsletter, so if you want your organization to be listed in one of UK’s leading and widely distributed newsletter, please contact: muhammed@ihrc.org All our rates are competitive and we will be more than happy see if we can work out a good deal for you.

You can read last year’s newsletter here

Alert: UK – Precautionary advice for Muslims

An anti-Muslim backlash in the wake of events in Woolwich is already in evidence. As such, IHRC reissues its advice for safety and security of Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim.

If you do experience an attack or assault, please report it to the police and to IHRC or an appropriate agency.

Read some of our precautionary measures here. Please distribute to your contacts

3    Events

Black Star, Crescent Moon: an Evening with Sohail Daulatzai

IHRC is excited and honoured to have Professor Sohail Daulatzai join us to talk about his new book.

Black Star, Crescent Moon: The Muslim International and Black Freedom beyond America traces the interactions between the Black radical imagination and the Muslim Third World from the 1950s to the present.

Date – 5 June 2013 (Wednesday)
Time – 6.45pm (GMT+1)
Venue – IHRC Bookshop (also streaming live on www.ihrc.tv)

Book Launch: Unsettling Sikh and Muslim Conflict by Katy P. Sian

We are delighted to launch Katy P. Sian’s courageous book that challenges racialised communities to critically look at their conceptualisations of each other. 

In Unsettling Sikh and Muslim Conflict: Mistaken Identities, Forced Conversions and Postcolonial Formations, Sian provides a critical investigation into Sikh and Muslim conflict in the postcolonial setting

Date – 26 June 2013
Time – 6.45pm (GMT+1)
Venue – IHRC Bookshop (also streaming live on www.ihrc.tv)

4.    Reports

Once Upon a Hatred: Anti-Muslim Experiences in the USA

Once Upon a Hatred: Anti-Muslim Experiences in the USA reveals the shocking statistic that 30% of Muslims surveyed have experienced a hate-motivated physical attack.  This stark figure is one of many statistics gleaned from a 1200 person survey undertaken in 2012 by IHRC, in California.

The publication is out now and is on sale for £10. Find out more here

You can also download the executive summary of the report here

5.    Blog/Comment

Comment – Sweden: An open letter to a nation on fire

Critical thoughts on the culture of condemnation and the Stockholm uprisings

In the wake of the murder of a 68 year old man, members of the Swedish community group Pantrarna (Gothenburg) writes to their sister organization Megafonen in Stockholm about their shared experiences of responsible, radical community organizing.

Arzu Merali – A Dangerous Delusion – More Thoughts on Thinking about Iran

Some reflections from the Hay Festival

6.    Shop

Alert – Essential Readings Pack: The Americas Part 1

Looking for some key texts on US supremacism, its history and current crises and the dangers it poses for the rest of the world?  IHRC Bookshop has put together a pack of key readings from Malcolm X. Sylviane A. Diouf, Vinay Lal, Emmanuel Todd and Frederic F. Clairmont.

Absent Justice: 7 DVD Set offer

In 2002, the Israeli Defense Forces invaded 5 Palestinian cities: Operation Defensive Shield in Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkarem, Bethlehem and Jenin in Operation Defensive Shield.  Absent Justice, is directed by Mo’taz Jankhout, produced by E’tilat Al Kheir. A Vision Art Production. Certificate: PG. A programme of Seven Parts that records the Israeli ‘Operation Defensive Shield’. This DVD set reviews the events of that period and sets out the case that the IDF committed war crimes.

Towards a New Liberation Theology: Reflections on Palestine / eds. Arzu Merali and Javad Sharbaf

Religion, particularly in the Palestinian context, has been portrayed as a hindrance to peace and not as a methodology for liberation. The papers from the 2005 conference are compiled here with additional contributions from the editors.  The content discusses the role religion plays in the lives of peoples’ struggling for justice, looking at other liberation struggles as well as the Palestinian cause.
Reduced for one week to £3.50


Please join us in the struggle for justice.

For more information, please contact the office on the numbers or email below

IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

Please help IHRC by visiting http://shop.ihrc.org/p/694/donation-to-ihrc-trust and making a donation or buying an item from our on-line store.

If you want to subscribe to the IHRC list please send an email to subscribe@ihrc.org

If you want to unsubscribe from the IHRC list please send an email from your subscribed email address to unsubscribe@ihrc.org

If you are reusing this alert, please cite the source.

For more information, please contact the office on the numbers or email below.

“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.”
Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75

Join the Struggle for Justice. Join IHRC.

Islamic Human Rights Commission
PO Box 598
United Kingdom

Email: info@ihrc.org

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